Otroška književnost v angleščini
Ure predavanj: 0
Ure seminarjev: 30
Ure vaj: 0
ECTS točke: 3
Nosilec/izvajalec: doc. dr. Fuchs Dieter Wilhelm, prof. dr. Krevel Mojca
Sodobni pogledi na otroško književnost
Ciljni bralec otroške književnosti
Vizualno podprto besedilo: ilustracija, film, animiran film, gledališka predstava
'Kultura' in medkulturna komunikacija v otroški književnosti
Otroška književnost iz angleško govorečega okolja v slovenskem literarnem sistemu
Arizpe, E., Styles, M. 2003. Children reading pictures. Interpreting visual texts. London in New York: Routledge Falmer. ID=13363513
Bland, J. 2015. Children's Literature and Learner Empowerment: Children and Teenagers in English Language Education. London [etc.]: Bloomsbury. COBISS.SI-ID 69286242
Kümmerling-Meibauer, B. (ed.). 2014. Picturebooks: Representation and Narration. New York; London: Routledge. COBISS.SI-ID 11741257
Lewis, D. 2001. Reading Contemporaray Picturebooks. London in New York: Routledge Falmer. COBISS.SI-ID=166824451
Mallan, K., Bradford, C. (Ur.) 2011. Contemporary Children's Literature and Film: Engaging with Theory. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. COBISS.SI-ID - 68189953
Montgomery M., A. Durant, N. Fabb, T. Furniss, S. Mills. 2007. Advanced Reading Skills for Students of English Literature. London in New York: Routledge. COBISS.SI-ID - 38714978
Nikolajeva, M., Scott, C. 2001. How picturebooks work. London: Routledge. COBISS.SI-ID=4861513
Reynolds, K. 2007. Radical Children's Literature: Future Visions and Aesthetic Transformations in Juvenile Fiction. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. COBISS.SI-ID 14810425
Smith, K. P. 2007. The Postmodern Fairytale: Folkloric Intertexts in Contemporary Fiction. COBISS.SI-ID=14811705
Basingstoke (Hampshire); New York: Palgrave Macmillan. COBISS.SI-ID=14811705
Styles, M., Bearne, E. 2003. Art, Narrative And Childhood. Stoke on Trent, UK in Sterling, USA: Trentham Books. COBISS.SI-ID - 42980962
Zipes, J. 2011. The Enchanted Screen: The Unknown History of Fairy-Tale Films. London, New York: Routledge. COBISS.SI-ID 1538966724
Zipes, Jack. 2012. The Irresistible Fairy Tale: The Cultural and Social History of a Genre. Princeton: Princeton University Press. COBISS.SI-ID - 5740890
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