English-Slovene Intercultural Studies
English-Slovene Intercultural Studies C
Slovene-English Translation I
Slovene-English Translation III
Translation Seminar I (ENG-SLO): Translation of Texts for Arts and Humanities I
Translation Seminar IV (ENG-SLO): Translation of Business Correspondence and Contracts
Bachelor's Thesis
Didactics of the Polish Language
Interlingual Communication and Culture 1: Polish Language
Interlingual Communication and Culture 2: Polish Language
Interlingual Communication and Culture 3: Polish Language
Introduction to Linguistic Studies
Language A in Theory and Practice 1: Polish
Language A in Theory and Practice 2: Polish
Language A in Theory and Practice 2: Slovak
Language A in Theory and Practice 4: Polish
Language B in Practice 1
Language B in Practice 2
Language B in Practice 4
Linguistic Culture
Master's Thesis
Morphology of Polish Language I
Morphology of Polish Language II
Pedagogical Practice
Phonetics and Phonology of Polish Language
Practical Polish for Teachers
Practical Polish for Teachers I
Practical Polish for Teachers II
Selected Chapters from Czech, Polish and Slovak linguistics
Syntax and Stylistics of Polish Language
Theory of Translation
Bachelor's Seminar – Linguistics
Master's Seminar and Master's Thesis in Language
Master's Seminar and Master's Thesis in Literature
Master's Seminar: Language
Master's Seminar: Literature
Developmental psychodiagnostics
Developmental Psychology of Childhood
Psyhology of Adolescence and Adulthood
Theories of Developmental Psychology
Contemporary Chinese Politics and Economy 1
Contemporary Chinese Politics and Economy 2
Critical Reading and Writing
Introduction to East Asian Studies
Politics, Society, Economics
Introduction to Chinese Society
Selected Topics in Chinese Culture 1
Literature 1: Periodization 1
Literature 2: Periodization 2
Literature 6: Spanish and Spanish American Theatre
Spanish and Hispano-American Connections
Spanish Medieval Literature
Spanish-language literature and other arts
Translation 2
History of Music 3 (Music of the 20th and the 21st Centuries) C
History of Music 3 (Music of the 20th and the 21st Centuries) S
Methods of Music Analysis 3
Methods of Music Analysis 3 C
Slovenian Art Music after 1918 C
Slovenian Art Music after 1918 E
Slovenian Music 3
Sociology of Music
Digital musicology 1
Methods of Music Analysis 2 C
Slovenian Music 2 C
Slovenian Music 3 C
Music Theory 1A
Music Theory 1B
Music Theory 2A C
Music Theory 2A S
Music Theory 2B C
Music Theory 2B S
Music Theory 3A C
Music Theory 3A S
Music Theory 3B C
Music Theory 3B S
Musicological Workplace Experience
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