Ženske v pisanju verske in družbene zgodovine: narativ ženskih protagonistk v tajvanskem budizmu

Vabljeni na predavanje dr. Stefanie Travagnin (SOAS, Univerza v Londonu) z naslovom Ženske v pisanju verske in družbene zgodovine: narativ ženskih protagonistk v tajvanskem budizmu / Women in the Writing of Religious and Social History: The Narrative of Female Protagonists in Taiwanese Buddhism.

Predavanje bo v četrtek, 10. oktobra 2024, ob 16.20 uri v predavalnici 34 na Filozofski fakulteti. Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku. 



Department of Translation Studies, Department of Slovene Studies, Faculty of Arts

Konferenca Jezikovne tehnologije in digitalna humanistika

International Office, Faculty of Arts

Welcome day for Exchange Students

Faculty of Arts

Online presentation for international students

Faculty of Arts

Online presentation of Faculty of Arts for international students

Department of Asian Studies

A documentary feature film The Celestial Dragon