Hungarian 2 (II)
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): Ivan Andrea, Zaposleni bodoči (za najave)
Speech acts: expressing feelings such as surprise, happiness, interest etc., and replying to such expressions. Expressing obligation, advice, invitation, (dis)agreement. Discussing people, things, past experiences.
Syntax, morphology, and lexicon: the function of infinite, word order or simple sentences, tenses (present, past, future), definite and indefinite conjugation, demonstrative pronouns, etc.
Basic, everyday lexicon.
(Corresponds to the second (B) level.)
Durst Péter: Lépésenként magyarul II. (2020) COBISS.SI-ID 164963075
Szita Szilvia – Pelcz Katalin: MagyarOK A1. (2013) (učbenik in delovni zvezek) COBISS.SI-ID 525185049 COBISS.SI-ID 525183513
Hetesy Bálint – Gyöngyösi Lívia: Jó napot kívánok! (2018) COBISS.SI-ID 165042691
Schwetter et al:: Učbenik madžarščine za Slovence 2 (2020) COBISS.SI-ID 304328960
Szita Szilvia – Pelcz Katalin: MagyarOK A2. (2014) (učbenik in delovni zvezek) COBISS.SI-ID 64478818 COBISS.SI-ID 64479330