Literature for Librarians and Publishers
Lectures: 20
Seminars: 10
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Blatnik Andrej
What is Literature? The opening lectures explain the nature of literature and its specifics in comparison to other fields of art. Introduction to Literary Theory. Disciplines of literary theory. History of World Literature. Information about the crucial achievements in the history of literature, from antique to the present, and introduction to the most important historical formations, established in the literary history. Literary typologies. Information about the established historical and transhistorical typologies. Evaluation of literature. Canon, presentation, representation. Contemporary methods of interpretation of the literary texts. Reception aesthetics.
1. Blatnik, Andrej, 2010. Pisanje kratke zgodbe. Ljubljana: LUD Literatura. COBISS.SI-ID - 13762307
2. Bloom, Harold, 2003. Zahodni kanon. Knjige in šola vseh dob. Prevedla Nada Grošelj in Janko Lozar. Ljubljana: LUD Literatura. COBISS.SI-ID - 127242496
3. Virk, Tomo, 1999. Moderne metode literarne vede in njihove filozofsko teoretske osnove. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID - 241638656
4. Jauss, Hans Robert, 1998. Estetsko izkustvo in literarna hermenevtika. Prevedel Tomo Virk. Ljubljana: LUD Literatura COBISS.SI-ID - 72849408
5. Ingarden, Roman, 1990. Literarna umetnina. Prevedel Frane Jerman. Ljubljana : ŠKUC in Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete. COBISS.SI-ID - 23161600