Laryngeal theory
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Repanšek Luka, prof. dr. Furlan Metka
De Saussure’s identification of two sonant coefficients A and O, reconstruction of the PIE pre-ablaut single vowel *a1 = *e, new interpretation of IE primary long vowels, long syllable-forming sonants, *i, *u, and Skt. aspirated voiceless stops, analysis of the structure of PIE stems, identification of set bases, interpretation of Skt. nasal presents. Moller’s further development of de Saussure’s system, comparison with Semite laryngeals and naming IE’s new consonants laryngeals. Oštir’s contribution to the laryngeal theory. Cuny’s identification of the phonetic value of laryngeals after closure, original stem structures, explanation of Balto-Slavic acuted intonations of the type Lit. béržas. Kuryłowicz’s synthesis of Moller’s and Cuny’s achievements and his contribution (e.g., voiceless/voiced stops + laryngeal; lengths in compounds of the type Skt. dvipa-, Brugmann’s law, the type Skt. píbati, laryngeals are inert consonants, Greek and Armenian prothesis, PIE diphthongs) with culmination in the equation *H2 = Hit. h/hh. Benveniste’s application of laryngeal theory achievements to identifying the original structure of PIE stems. Laryngeal theory achievements according to Kuryłowicz (laryngeal metathesis, Kuiper’s law, Eichner’s law, etc.). Re-establishment of the IE pre-ablaut vowels *e, *a, and *o. Relative chronology of the *e-coloring laryngeals. Issue of the presence of *H2 and *H3 in Anatolian languages. Phonetic definition of laryngeals. Čop and laryngeal theory. Other laryngeal theory topics can be suggested by the students.
- M. Furlan, Laringalna teorija. Izročki k predavanjem. Ljubljana, 2004, 54 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 26303330
- F. O. Lindeman, Introduction to the ‘laryngeal theory’. Innsbruck, 1997, 246 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 14704226
- Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben: die Wurzeln und ihre Primärstammbildungen. Unter Leitung von Helmut Rix und der Mitarbeit vieler anderer bearbeitet von Martin Kümmel et alii. Zweite, erweiterte und verbesserte Auflage bearbeitet von M. Kümmel und H. Rix. Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag: Wiesbaden 1998. COBISS.SI-ID - 10130477
- D. S. Wodtko, B. S. Irslinger, C. Schneider, Nomina im Indogermanischen Lexikon. Heidelberg, 2008, 863 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 32122157
- B. Čop: Die indouralische Sprachverwandschaft und die indogermanische Laryngaltheorie. Razprave SAZU. Classis II. Ljubljana, 1970, 64 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 37023021