Language in Use III*
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): lekt. dr. Rot Gabrovec Veronika
Reading Comprehension:
Understanding authentic texts of various types
Acquiring superior taxonomic reading skills: analysis, evaluation, inferring
In-depth understanding the reading process; self-reflection on one’s own reading abilities;
Reading expert texts and creating study notes
Reading, analysis and evaluation of prose.
Argumentative composition;
Use of sources;
Written summary of texts and evaluation;
Creative writing: sketches, poetry, short drama forms;
Listening Comprehension:
Comprehending, analysing and evaluating various types of popular and expert aural texts;
Summarizing texts heard;
Active listening and interaction;
Fluid spontaneous speech;
The ability to relate a prepared text fluidly;
Mastering various registers;
Short oral presentation on a topic provided;
Refinement in oral communication
Course material covers the following topics:
the Media; Advertising;
British humour;
Travel & Holidays;
Science & Technology;
Culture (beliefs, values, customs, the arts);
Topical Issues;
Topics selected by teachers and students.
Watching selected contemporary topical film production, attending debating evenings and other events which make learning more varied and interesting, and contribute to attaining teaching objectives.
Popular and expert texts (multimedia sources) based on the teacher’s and the students’ choice. Required (literary or non-fiction) prose (by choice).
Axelrod, R.B., C.R. Cooper. 1988. The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing. 2. ed. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Pp. 876.
Blake, J. 2011. Writing Short Literature Essays – A Textbook With Exercises for Slovenian Students. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.
Franklin Parks, A., J. A. Levernier, I. Masters Hollowell. 1991. Structuring Paragraphs: A Guide to Effective Writing. 3rd ed. New York: St. Martin's Press. Pp. 247.
Grosman, M. 2004. Zagovor branja: bralec in književnost v 21. stoletju. Ljubljana: Sophia. Selected chapters , pp. 9-73, 137-166.
Koda, K. 2005. Insights into Second Language Reading. A Cross Linguistic Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Selected chapters (7,8), pp. 123-176.
MacAndrew, R., R. Martinez. 2001. Taboos and Issues. Boston: ThomsPoljudna in strokovna besedila (multimedijski viri) po izboru učitelja in študentov;
Prozno delo (književno ali dokumentarno) za obvezno branje (po izbiri).
Axelrod, R. B., C. R. Cooper. Cop. 2013. The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing. 10. izd. New York: St. Martin’s Press. COBISS.SI-ID – 55816034
Blake, J. 2011. Writing Short Literature Essays – A Textbook With Exercises for Slovenian Students. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. COBISS.SI-ID – 257132544
Franklin Parks, A., J. A. Levernier, I. Masters Hollowell. Cop. 2001. Structuring Paragraphs and Essays: A Guide to Effective Writing. 5. izd. New York: St. Martin's Press. COBISS.SI-ID – 30283874
Koda, K. 2005. Insights into Second Language Reading. A Cross Linguistic Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Izbrana poglavja (7,8), str.: 123-176. COBISS.SI-ID - 30931554
MacAndrew, R., R. Martinez. Cop. 2002. Taboos and Issues. Andover: CENGAGE Learning. COBISS.SI-ID – 55816290
Popular and expert texts (multimedia sources) based on the teacher’s and the students’ choice. Required (literary or non-fiction) prose (by choice).
Axelrod, R. B., C. R. Cooper. Cop. 2013. The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing. 10. izd. New York: St. Martin’s Press. COBISS.SI-ID – 55816034
Blake, J. 2011. Writing Short Literature Essays – A Textbook With Exercises for Slovenian Students. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. COBISS.SI-ID – 257132544
Franklin Parks, A., J. A. Levernier, I. Masters Hollowell. Cop. 2001. Structuring Paragraphs and Essays: A Guide to Effective Writing. 5. izd. New York: St. Martin's Press. COBISS.SI-ID – 30283874
Koda, K. 2005. Insights into Second Language Reading. A Cross Linguistic Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Izbrana poglavja (7,8), str.: 123-176. COBISS.SI-ID - 30931554
MacAndrew, R., R. Martinez. Cop. 2002. Taboos and Issues. Andover: CENGAGE Learning. COBISS.SI-ID – 55816290
Stubbs, J. 2023. Having plenty to say in essays and presentations. Ljubljana : Založba Univerze. COBISS.SI-ID - 141703683
on Heinle. Pp. 40.