Introduction to Educational Methodology
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): asist. Kristl Nina, prof. dr. Mažgon Jasna
- Experimental research.
- Statistical design of experiments in the field of education.
- Analysis of dispersion data.
- Models of pedagogical experiment.
- Experiment with two comparative groups.
- More complex experimental designs.
- Single factor and multifactorial experimental models.
- Analysis of variance and analysis of covariance in the context of experimental models.
- Using SPSS software package (editing data for the processing, importing data, processing of data, interpreting outcomes).
- Sagadin, J. (1977). Poglavja iz metodologije pedagoškega raziskovanja. II. del. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, str. 1-40 in 66-104, 181-183. ID=6113537
- Kožuh, B. in Vogrinc, J. (2009). Obdelava podatkov. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, str. 1-129.ID=243885056
- Mužić, V. (2004). Uvod u metodologiju istraživanja odgoja i obrazovanja (2. izd.). Zagreb: Educa, str. 1-156.ID=565372
Relevantni članki iz domače in tuje literature, dostopne v knjižnicah in na svetovnem spletu.