School Pedagogy
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 45
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Gregorčič Mrvar Petra
Dependence of school on general social goals and values, on its view of people and their role in society, its view of relation between an individual and community.
1. Organization of educational system:
- Goals of the education system (general educational orientation) and individual schools define their organizational structure.
- General characteristics of centralized and decentralized school systems (examples).
- Organization, financing, management, leadership, control of the system; educational (pedagogical) service and its functions (developmental, counselling, inspection).
2. School organization:
- Internal organization of work: planning and programming.
- Internal school organization depends on a variety of factors: the level of school, goals, tasks, leadership styles.
- Organizational forms: classes, optional school activities, supplementary and additional work, other forms of activities.
- Free time activities in school: institutionalization of leisure time; time and education; position and role of pupils, teacher - mentor; animation.
1. Position and role of teachers
- Position and roles of teachers; the problem of responsibility; teacher as an employee, professional and human being; teacher and his/her professional autonomy.
- Teacher and work programming.
- Teacher and innovation.
2. Teacher and school pedagogue (school counsellor) (consultation with teachers)
- Classical and consultation-based cooperation model.
- Goals and contents of consultation of pedagogue (school counsellor) and teacher.
- Teacher, innovations and the role of pedagogue (school counsellor).
3. Headmaster as pedagogical leader and administrative manager of an institution
- Position and tasks of a headmaster as a pedagogical leader and administrative manager; headmaster in various school systems, pedagogue's (school counsellor's) role and position depend on the headmaster's role and position.
4. School, teachers - home, parents
- Methods of organizing parents regarding school issues (parents in relations of school organization and parents' organizations beyond school structures); inclusion of parents into school work and education process; parents as clients and parents as partners; how this relationship is formed, cooperation between parents and school in urban and in rural settings. Parents' motivation for cooperation.
5. Pupils' role and position at school
- Social and anthropological analysis of school position of pupils: A pupil as a subject-object of school education work; active and passive participation.
- Subjective conditions of a pupil's assertion as an individual person at school.
• Bečaj, J. (2001). Razrednik in šolska kultura. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 52, št. 1, str. 32-44. ID=761348
• Gregorčič Mrvar, P. in Resman, M. (2019). Vloga pedagoga kot šolskega svetovalnega delavca v vzgojno-izobraževalni ustanovi. Sodobna pedagogika, 70, št. 1, str. 15–33. ID=761348
• Kalin, J., Resman, M., Šteh, B., Mrvar, P., Govekar-Okoliš, M., Mažgon, J. (2009). Izzivi in smernice kakovostnega sodelovanja med šolo in starši. Ljubljana: Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete. ID=249078016
• Kodele, T. in Lesar, I. (2015). Ali formalni in strokovni dokumenti s področja šolstva spodbujajo participacijo učencev? Sodobna pedagogika, 66, št. 3, str. 36–51. ID=761348
• Kuhar, M. (2007). Prosti čas mladih v 21. stoletju. Socialna pedagogika, 11, št. 4, str. 453-472. ID=761348
• Resman M. (1989). Dileme inštitucionalizacije šolskega dela ter položaj učitelja in učenca. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 40, št. 5-6, str. 270-279. ID=761348
• Resman, M. (1999). Utemeljevanje, organizacija in naloge regionalnega šolstva. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 50, št. 3, str. 8-25. ID=761348
• Resman, M.(2003): Integracija/inkluzija med zamislijo in uresničevanjem. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 54, posebna izdaja, str. 64-83. ID=761348
• Resman, M. (2003). Interkulturna vzgoja in svetovanje. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 54, št. 1, str. 60-79. ID=761348
• Resman, M. (2007). Vzgojni koncept šole se uresničuje v oddelkih: zakaj svetovalno pozornost usmeriti v oddelek? Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 58, posebna izdaja, str. 122-139. ID=761348
• Aktualna šolska zakonodaja
Relevant articles from domestic and foreign literature available in libraries and on the internet.