Oddelek za zgodovino

Okoljska zgodovina – zaposlitve za doktorand(k)e in podoktorske raziskovalk(c)e

Pozdravljene, pozdravljeni,   

1. dr. Viktor Pal bo v sklopu projekta REFRESH - Research Excellence For REgion Sustainability and High-tech Industries reg. no. CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000048 na ostravski univerzi zaposlil podoktorske raziskovalke in raziskovalce.   

Prijavni rok je 25. januar!   

Razpisa: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/178931& https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/178925   

2. razpis za dve doktorandki/doktoranda na Dunajskem Inštitutu za socialno ekologijo (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences), na projektu “INFEST - Industrialization of Austrian Forests 1766 - 1914". »The project INFEST investigates the industrialization of Austrian forests during 1766-1914. The project traces changes in cultural programs, social practices and biogeochemical fluxes of forest use during the industrialization of Austrian forests. The PhD positions will be co-supervised by Simone Gingrich and Martin Schmid, and will collaborate closely with a Post-Doc researcher." 

Več podatkov: https://boku.ac.at/fileadmin/data/H01000/mitteilungsblatt-jobs/2023/KZ247_oD_DMe.pdf 

Prijavni rok: 31. januar 2024. 


Department of English

Change of Office Hours Vesna Lazović

Department of Philosophy

Change of Office Hours Maja Malec

Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory

Change of Office Hours Anja Mrak

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Martin Anton Grad

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Change of Office Hours Tereza Hussu