School Counseling I

School Counseling I

Lectures: 45

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 15

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Gregorčič Mrvar Petra, doc. dr. Šarić Marjeta

1. Counselling work and school
- Characteristics of school counselling; principles of school counselling, position of school counsellors.
- Characteristics: School counselling and personal counselling.
- Organizational and operative solutions of counselling support.

2. Counselling theories
- Characteristics of some counselling theories: psychodynamic, behaviour, Rogers' person-centered, gestalt therapy, transactional analysis, reality therapy.
- Analysis of the Rogers' person-centered counselling theory.
- Conditions for successful counselling.
- Stages of the counselling process.

3. Counselling work with pupils
- Developmental counselling (goals and tasks), particularities of developmental counselling in the pre-school and school period, in kindergarten, elementary and secondary school.
- Principles and conditions of school pedagogue's (school counsellor's) counselling work with pupils. Preventive and curative counselling; individual and group counselling work with pupils.
- Individual and group counselling to pupils; counselling work with class communities, integration/inclusion of pupils with special needs and those who are culturally, socially, linguistically different.

4. Counselling and consultation with teachers
- Objective and subjective conditions of successful counselling (consultation) with teachers. Contents-related options of counselling and consultation between teachers and pedagogue (school counsellor).

5. Counselling and consultation with parents
- Formal and informal forms of school's or teachers' cooperation with home or parents.
- Parents' motivation for cooperation; forms of individual and group cooperation (class meetings, children at risk parent groups) and counselling work.

6. Technique of planning and evaluation of pedagogue (school counsellor) work
- Pedagogue's (school counsellor's) annual action plan: sources of planning, basic actions and topical tasks.

7. Ethical principles of counselling work